About the Journal
Fascho is a scientific journal published by Muhammadiyah School of Teacher Training and Education Bogor. The journal is published biannually in April and October. Fascho aims to accommodate ideas, research results produced by practitioners, thinkers, and experts in the fields of education and learning, especially those related to real problems and creative ethical solutions concerning Learning Methodology (Approach, Media, Method, Model, Strategy), Pedagogy, Educational Philosophy, Educational Psychology, Curriculum, Educational Administration, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, English Education and Early Childhood Teacher Education.
2716-3334 (online ISSN) 2301-8844 (Print ISSN)
Frekuensi 2 Issues per Tahun
DOI http : http://dx.doi.org/10.54626/fascho
OAI https : http://journal.umbogorraya.ac.id/index.php/fascho/oai
ISSN Cetak : 2301-8844
ISSN Elektronik : 2716-3334